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Cookies policy

At MProvogue, we understand that the privacy of our esteemed customers is important. We believe in transparency and the customers must learn about the technology that is being used from our side. This cookie policy explains how and why “cookies” can be stored and accessed from your device. Please carefully read the cookie policy before browsing through our website. Please read both the cookie policy, and terms of use before using our website. If you are “accepting” the cookie, this means you are giving your consent to the store and other tracking technologies that are present in this cookie policy.

Information about cookie

Cookies are very small text files that are sent by the web browser or web servers. These text files are useful as they enable the Internet site to identify the visitor when they visit a specific page. Cookie files help in enhancing the user experience, and they also improve the browsing comfort.

How does our site use cookies?

We collect different types of information from our cookies such as to identify the user behavior. We also use the information to enhance the convenience of the users. With the help of the analytical technologies and cookies, it can be determined how the users are utilizing our service. We also collect additional information such as the pages visited by the user, the time spent on the website, the links clicked by the user. We also become aware about interest, preferences of the user.

Refusing or withdrawing the consent of the cookies

If you are not interested in accepting the cookies, please deny them. You can change your preference as per your own wish. The user is also free to withdraw the consent. You can manually delete the cookies. However, it is important to note that if you are denying the cookies, some webpages and services will not be accessible.